children,essential oils

Essential Oils for Children’s Health

Essential oils are potent.
Small amounts give the best results.
When using topically I recommend using fractionated coconut oil as it absorbs better, but as long as you are using a base oil (olive oil, almond oil etc), as childrens skin is more sensitive and thinner than adult skin.
You can diffuse essential oils for aromatherapy this is a lovely way them just make sure you keep the diffuser out of their reach.
Make sure the oils you are using are pure essential oils. It has come to my attention that oils bought and sold for instance Frankincense is mixed with turpentine (paint stripper). If anyone would like to purchase dōTERRA pure essential oils or blends please leave a comment below and I will get back to you regarding prices and placing orders.
Anti Inflammatory
Roman Chamomile
Anti viral
Wild Orange

dōTERRA On Guard

dōTERRA On Guard



dōTERRA On Guard

Immune Support
dōTERRA On Guard
Wild Orange
Please note Oregano is a hot oil, ensure heavy dilution.
Oils should not get in contact with eyes.
Sleep Well Blend
Roll on to the soles of your childs feet at bedtime.
3 drops of Lavender
3 drops of Roman Camomile
2 drops of Vetiver
Calming Down Blend
Apply to childs wrist or rub onto their back.
2 drops of Vetiver
2 drops of dōTERRA Serenity
2 drops of Frankencense
1 drop of Sandalwood

1 drop of Cedarwood

Breath Easy Blend
Apply to chest, back or soles of feet.
2 drops of Peppermint
2 drops of Melaleuca
1 drop of Cardamom

2 drops of Cedarwood

Bugs n Bites Blend
Apply to the bite to relieve itching and stinging
4 drops of Lavender
3 drops of Roman Camomile

1 drop of Lemongrass

Again dilute these blends with “fractionated Coconut oil.”

Freya Witch x


Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

Quick heads up! Mercury planet of communication, travel and intellect, set to go station retrograde in Aquarius on January 30th until February 21st. This planet is associated with Gemini and Virgo. Planet Mercury is also associated with the God Hermes.

Personally I like to keep a piece of tiger eye in my pocket to help counter troublesome effects.

Also bare in mind this will affect Aquarians too, as it’s in the sign of Aquarius adding this volatile energy to mercury as it goes station retrograde.

Lots of love and Brightest Blessings everyone xxx


Goddess Khione of snow

As the weather turns to icy lakes and drifting snowflakes. I thought of the famous stories about the Snow Queen in various children’s story books to name one the lion the witch and the wardrobe.

I would like to write a little about the Greek Goddess Khione of snow, ice and winter. She has jet black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. The Romans called her Chione. Her father is Boreas (the north wind).

Known to turn people to sculptured ice. Sometimes depicted as a nymph.

Khione is said to have claimed to be better than Artimis as two Gods had fallen in love with her and none with Artimis. This was obviously not taken well by Artimis, but in one version of the mythology she was protected by Apollo and Posideon, in another her guard was pierced for her pride.

Leo is said to have wanted the Goddess Khione, but she denies him due to not liking his burning fire within. She asks him to wait with her brothers while she gets her father. Then contemplates the idea of turning him to ice. Her father being totally against such an idea, invokes an incredible anger in Khione. Forced to let Leo go, Khione is still intent on harming him and sends strong winds to knock “Festus” (a bronze dragon with red eyes) out of the sky.

Although Leo is confused doesnt suspect Khione.

She then furthers her assult when she finds Leo, Midas, Piper, Jason and Coach Hedge camp out on Pike’s Peak. Khione then tells Lycaon to track them down and kill them. She also creates a blizzard to block Jason’s lightning bolt.

When they visit their parents Aeolus, they manage to convince him to help. Before he does, Khione whispers in his ear, telling him that Gaea is awakening and that he must kill the demigods. Meanwhile Mellie, his assistant, saves them by getting them away in time.

Khione then appears at the Wolf House, admits to causing all the problems the demigods faced on their quest. She then goes on to say that she is working to awaken Gaea. She reveals her plans to overthrow her father and orders the monsters to kill them.

She says she is the one who caused the closure of Olympus. She had whispered to Zeus using her powers saying the gods being so active on Earth was causing Gaea to awaken. To stop this he had closed Olympus off from the mortal world.

Khione then invites Leo to join her but Leo declines using his fire to fight her. It is said he overpowers her but she turns to ice and melts before he can hit her with his flaming hammer.

It is unknown whether she is gone or just hiding in the snow.It has also been said she, like Porphyrion, is warped to Mount Olympus in Greece.

Hope you enjoyed reading this.

Lots of love and Brightest Blessings always

Ann Luise xxx


Winter Goddess speaks..

“I come to you upon winters breath….

Mysteries of magic and creation I hold

As time, wisdom and space unfold

Upon this land that we abide.

Through the snow storms cold and wild,

Let us bring forth the Yule Sun child.

That we may rejoice upon our voice

From this night, we bring forth the light”.

(c) Freya Witch / ALS . 2020 (written for London Woodland Witches online Yule Rite)

Healing Gods

Maponus (Healing God)


Known as a Celtic God of healing.

Associated with springs and healing waters.

Maponus is also known to be from Gaulish tradition.

There are five altars dedicated to him from Roman Britain.

All from Hadrian’s Wall or the surrounding area.

He was eventually absorbed into the Roman worship of Apollo. By the name of Maponus Apollo.

He is the God of healing aswell as youthful beauty, poetry and song.

Healing Gods

Hermes (Greek God of Healing)

Hermes is the Greek God of healing.

Known to the Romans as Mercury.

Also the God of comunication, boundries, merchants, commerce, theives, athletes and travel.

He was known as the patron of travellers, as doctors had to travel great distances to treat patients.

He has winged slippers that aid his flight.

Hermes has the ability to move swiftlly and freely between our world and the realm of the Gods.

He possesses the healing staff, the Caduceus.

The caduceus symbolizes the spinal column, the central conduit for the Psychic Force, or nerve energy, which connects all the organs and parts of the body. The places where the snakes cross represent the spinal energy centers or chakras.

The two snakes represent the two complementary halves of the nervous system.

Motor and sensory, sympathetic and parasympathetic.

For optimal functioning these must be in balanced.

Snakes were considered the cleaverest and wisest animals in ancient greece.

Hermes is the “soul guide” he guides the soul into the afterlife.

His is associated with the rooster, tortois, winged sandles, palm tree, winged hat and goat, the number four, several kinds of fish and incense. Not to forget the Caduceus.

Healing Gods

Llyr (Celting God of Healing)

Llyr -The Celtic God of Healing.

Also known as the God of the sea and of magic.

Known as God Lir, Ler, Llediarth.

The father of Manannán,

Son of the sea (Manannán Mc Lir).

It is said that the name of the Isle of Man derived from this God.

Llyr has a sea bourne chariot, invisable horses and a cloak of invisability.

He guards the other worlds and the after life, similarly to the Greek Gods Poseidon and Hades.

In Ireland he was said to create mist so invaders got confused and couldn’t find the country.

He is associated with Arthurian land of eternal youth, Avalon (Tír na nÓg in Celtic mythology).

His Irish daughter Niamh is one of the queens of this realm.

He also has a son Bran the Blessed.

God of bards and poetry.

Bran possesses the cauldron a rejuvenation, not unlike the mythical Holy Grail.

This cauldron was said to have the power if a deceased warrior drank from it he would be restored to life.

Llyr helps us to find inspiration in the soul of the sea.

It teaches us of perseverance, open-mindedness, fluidity, and strength.

The sea is both protector and avenger.

Strength can be found in the primal power of the waves.

The waves themselves can wear away stone and cut through landscapes.

We can find comfort in the bounty and sustenance the sea provides.

Freedom and adventure in the aspects of new experiences.

“May the winds fill your sails, the waves guide your passage, and the storm be your harbour.”

Hail Llyr

Healing Gods

Odin – Norse God

The Norse God Odin

Odin is the “All father”.

God of war, death, divination, wisdom, and poetry.

Father to the God Thor aswell as Hod and Baldr.

Odin is married to the Goddess Frigg.

Odin is also associated with healing, magic and the runic alphabet.

Wednesday is named after Odin.

Odin and his two brothers Vili and Ve created the world in Norse mythology.

Odin can also shape shift. He lives in a house called Valaskialf and able to see through all nine worlds.

Odins horse is called Sleipnir. This eight legged horse is the child of Loki and the giant builder stallion who build the wall around Asgard, conceived when Loki shape shifted into a mare and distracted the stallion. Sleipnir can gallop on air aswell as land.

Odin has two Ravens one called Huginn meaning thought and one called Muninn meaning memory.

These are said to be spiritual parts of himself.

They are sent out every morning all over the world then return every evening to whisper to him what they have seen and heard.

Odin also has two wolves Geri the ravenous and Freki the greedy one. Geri and Freki follow Odin down the streets of Asgard. He always gives his wolves all the food from his table as he needs not food to survive.

Infact wine is all he wants.

The meaning of the word “runes” is secret. Odin stabbed himself with his spear and hung himself on Yggdrasil for nine days and nine nights suffering. It was then he glimpsed the secrets of the runes and fell screaming from Yggdrasil.

Gungnir is Odins magical spear made from the Yggdrasils Sacred ash, which he carved the runes into.

Mimir means the rememberer or the wise one.

Odin sacrificed one of his eyes to drink from the well.

Odin then became the wisest of all the Gods and Goddesses in Asgard.

Anyone who drinks from the water of this well gains the wisdom of Mimir.

The brothers Brokkr and Eitri made a special ring for Odin called Draupnir meaning the dripper.

Every nighth day, eight new rings drip out of Draupnir.

It was one of three gifts to the Gods, other two being Gullinbursti and Mjölnir.

Loki made a bet saying the dwarf brothers could not make better gifts than the three made by the sons of Ivaldi. In the end Mjölnir, Thor’s hammer won the bet for Brokkr and Eitri.

Loki being Loki tricked them by betting his head, but they were not aloud to hurt his neck.

In revenge the dwarf brothers stole his lips with wire. Lots of love and Brightest Blessings