Marigold (Healing herb)

Marigold (Calendula officinalis)

Also known as Marigold, Holigold, Mary Bud, Pot Marigold, Calendula, Maidens of the Sun.

In folklore the Ancient Greeks, who used the petals for decoration, also used Marigolds for colouring food, make-up, dying fabrics and medicinal uses.

Marigolds have been grown in the gardens of Europe since the 12th century.

By the 14th century it had become increasingly popular due to its “magical powers.”

One medieval author named Macer described Marigold in his volume on herbs; he thought that to look upon the flowers would improve eyesight and draw evil from the head.

This flower has been revered as a magical medicinal for centuries.

Ancient Egyptians used it to rejuvenate their skin, whilst the Greeks and Romans used it as a culinary garnish.

In ancient as well as modern India, it is often strung into garlands for weddings and religious rituals.

Powers of protection and prophecy have been attributed to this herb. Hanging under your bed was said to offer you protection from robbers and thieves and to induce prophetic dreams if you had been robbed, helping you to identify the culprit!

Ancient Greece, Rome and Arabia. It was most commonly used as a skin treatment, with preparations used for treating minor wounds, callouses, insect bites and stings, eczema, itches, burns and haemorrhoids.

Marigolds are amazing for many reasons below are some of the health benefits used today.

Today we use Marigolds for a variety of treatments some include:

Skin healing:

Marigold has the ability to promote the growth of healthy new tissue, increase blood flow to the affected area, boost collagen production (which firms and strengthens skin), hydrate dry skin and speed up the process of skin repair following surgery or damage.

It is also believed that due to stimulation of epithelial cell production (the cells that make up the outer surface of the body), mostly as a result of the presence of glycoproteins and nucleoproteins.

It’s also linked to increased cell turnover and improved collagen metabolism stimulation.


This beautiful orange and yellow oil is rich in carotenes and carotenoids. These are the compounds responsible for the plant’s radiant colour. Phytochemicals lead to the production of antioxidant Vitamin A.

Sore throat and mouth ulsers:

Due to the Marigolds antiseptic and anti-microbial qualities, Marigold is an effective remedy for sore throats, tonsillitis, gingivitis and mouth ulcers. Gargling with Marigold tea will help to both soothe the mucus membranes of the throat and ease the pain.

Antiseptic and anti inflammatory:

During World War 1 and the American Civil War Marigolds were used as an antiseptic for wounds, knowing that the main compounds are the triterpenoids, which are claimed to be the most important anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous (preventing swelling) components within the plant.

Marigold extract is applied in drop form (oil) to the inside of the ear canal to help treat bacterial ear infections and decrease pain.

It has been found that these drops can lower inner-ear swelling and inflammation within just a couple of days of use.

Also can treat nappy rash in children over 6 months I recomend mixing a few drops of Marigold oil with a base oil.

For children over 6 months you can try adding aloe vera (blitz together with a few drops to make a gel).

I also recomend doing a skin test on a small area before use and remove immediately if any reaction occurs.

Conjunctivitis/ eye inflammation:

Research has found that Marigold extract is effective in the treatment of conjunctivitis and other ocular inflammatory conditions.

The extract has antibacterial, anti-viral, antifungal and immuno-stimulating properties that were shown to reduce eye infections.

Vision is also protected by these extracts and the delicate tissues of the eye from UV and oxidative damage.

Against cancer tumors both as a prevention and treatment.

In a study in 2012 compared the cancer-fighting powers of marigold and chamomile teas. Both were able to target cancer tumors selectively, but the effects of marigold tea were more potent.

Marigold infusions can be enjoyed to nourish the skin, as an internal anti-fungal agent and to soothe the intestinal tract. It’s absolutely delicious and mildly detoxifying.

Marigold oil can be used in skin care and as a body massage, it can also be applied directly to a damaged skin area.

Do NOT use if you are allergic to any plants in the Asteraceae/Compositae family.

No known side effects but not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Lots of love and Brightest Blessings always