Rose Quartz

A very loving energy, observing this light pink beauty alone always fills me with pure love energy.

When suffering heartache or grief I recommend working with this crystal. Even just having this close to your heart chakra can improve your self love, heal and open your heart to more pure love. I speak of the deep love not a passionate moment.

There are many ways to benefit from this beautiful energy.

A Ritual Bath (including Rose Quartz)

First gather some light pink candles, pink rose petals, rose water or essential rose oil, your rose quartz and some pure sea salt.
Run your warm bath water and add a handful of salt with the intention of cleansing your body and spirit.
When your bath has filled swirl in your rose petals, rose oil or rose water with the intension of filling your senses to allow you to heal emotionally and thereby also filling you with love.
Place your rose quartz next to your pink candles.
As you light your candles you may wish to call upon a God/Goddess or Archangel, or simply state your intention.
Lie in the bath and allow yourself to be infused with healing love energy.
Light meditation is advisable but again optional.
Rinse your body after the bath.

Drinking water (Crystal charged):

Another way to take this energy in, is by placing the Rose Quartz in drinking water jug. Leave it there for a few hours at least then pour yourself a glass and drink. As you drink take your time and be aware of the love energy you are taking in. This is very healing and will fill you with a beautiful glow.

(Beware some crystals are poisonous or dissolve in water)

Tarot : The Magician

The Magician

One of the Major Acana

Element: Air

Ruling planet: Mercury

This card is of a man standing at his altar his tools represent all directions and the four suits of the tarot.

Upright meaning:

The magician is resourceful, determined, skilled and powerful.

Seeing the magician in a spread could be a message to tap into your full potential. That you must transform something.
The tarot is saying you are more than capable to succeed in a situation.
The Magician could be pointing to a new opotunity.
The Magician is full of inspiration and creativity.

Reversed meaning

Decite, lack of energy, ill intentions, communication blocks, confusion.

Positive Affirmations

We all know the way we speak to and about ourselves can affect our vibration, mood and daily choices. Try every morning to have a positive affirmation.

Here are Ones you could use:

  • I am happy and I accept myself as a whole,
  • I am filled with love, light and happiness,
  • I am grateful for all the good things in my life,
  • I am open to more positive energy and positive experiences to enter my life. Blessed Be.

Take a moment to feel your being fill with this positive light energy.
When we say things, like a spell, they have the power to manifest. Use your words wisely.
Lots of love always. Freya Witch xxx

Amethyst Crystal

Hi everyone,
Thought I’d start the next few days with a little information on a few crystals their properties and how they can be used in healing practices.
Today Amethyst.

Awakens intuition, mental awareness and promotes psychic abilities as well as being fab at relieving stress and balancing moods.
Amethyst can be used to open and work with your Crown Chakra and your Third Eye Chakra. Also associated as the birth stone of February.

In mythology there are tales of Amethyst.
It’s hue from the blood-red wine tears of Dionysus.
The Amethyst was actually a young virgin who found herself on the receiving end of the Gods wrath when he was drunk. The young girl cried out to the Goddess Diana for help, the Goddess turned her into a shimmering pale stone. When Dionysus realized his folly, he wept into his wine glass and in his emotion overturned his goblet. The white stone soaked up the wine until it glowed a gentle purple hue.

Amethyst can change with the rise and fall of the light or when placed in different temperatures.
It evolves with the body and is closely connected to our conscious experiences in life.
Associated with healthy cell regeneration, promoting hormonal balance, encouraging healthy sleep and rest. Amethyst helps balance metabolism and positively serves the endocrine system.
Helping the body find harmony so it doesn’t produce too much cortisol, this cuts down stress and tension.
The purplish hue of Amethyst also cleanses and detoxifies mind, body and spirit. Amethyst can also help those who struggle with brain fog or migraines.

A quick way of using Amethyst is to get a jug of moon water or distilled drinking water.
Place the Amethyst into the jug of water.
Say: “I infuse this water with the positive energies of Amethyst, gently remove that which no longer serves me. May this water bring love, light and happiness to my mind body and spirit. Blessed be.”
You can drink from this water through the day but be careful not to swallow your crystal, personally pouring from the jug into a glass is preferable.

Another way is to run a bath place your charged crystal above your head.
Light a candle with your intention of cleansing and energising that chakra for example.
Or simply place under you pillow to enhance healthy sleep.
You can wear your crystal during the day too.
Personally I like to have an Amethyst crystal with me during certain meditations.
Lots of love, light and Brightest Blessings always.

Freya Witch x

Essential Oils for Children’s Health

Essential oils are potent.
Small amounts give the best results.
When using topically I recommend using fractionated coconut oil as it absorbs better, but as long as you are using a base oil (olive oil, almond oil etc), as childrens skin is more sensitive and thinner than adult skin.
You can diffuse essential oils for aromatherapy this is a lovely way them just make sure you keep the diffuser out of their reach.
Make sure the oils you are using are pure essential oils. It has come to my attention that oils bought and sold for instance Frankincense is mixed with turpentine (paint stripper). If anyone would like to purchase dōTERRA pure essential oils or blends please leave a comment below and I will get back to you regarding prices and placing orders.
Anti Inflammatory
Roman Chamomile
Anti viral
Wild Orange

dōTERRA On Guard

dōTERRA On Guard



dōTERRA On Guard

Immune Support
dōTERRA On Guard
Wild Orange
Please note Oregano is a hot oil, ensure heavy dilution.
Oils should not get in contact with eyes.
Sleep Well Blend
Roll on to the soles of your childs feet at bedtime.
3 drops of Lavender
3 drops of Roman Camomile
2 drops of Vetiver
Calming Down Blend
Apply to childs wrist or rub onto their back.
2 drops of Vetiver
2 drops of dōTERRA Serenity
2 drops of Frankencense
1 drop of Sandalwood

1 drop of Cedarwood

Breath Easy Blend
Apply to chest, back or soles of feet.
2 drops of Peppermint
2 drops of Melaleuca
1 drop of Cardamom

2 drops of Cedarwood

Bugs n Bites Blend
Apply to the bite to relieve itching and stinging
4 drops of Lavender
3 drops of Roman Camomile

1 drop of Lemongrass

Again dilute these blends with “fractionated Coconut oil.”

Freya Witch x